Everyday life can be such a treasure at times. Just doing laundry and making the bed can feel so lovely. After being under so much stress (some of which is not gone) a day to clean up and put the place around me in order feels good. I have a spasm in my back that is hurting awfully and I'm using that as an excuse to just stay here and do what I want to do, not what I need to do. It feels good -- well the back spasm doesn't. The cat was annoying me this morning early, and just wanted someone to play with. I got up, opened up the window shades just a tad so he could see the front street and put a chair by the window. He is now a confirmed neightborhood watch cat. He watches everything. I think I just gave my cat a hobby. Hehehehehehe.
I have taken a risk this week by inviting a woman from work to come to group. She is multiple and has not been making good sense lately. She is clearly in need of support and realizes it. Yet, I feel she is funny and able to pull herself out of the slump that they are experiencing. She is multiple too and though I don't know much about her, I have intrusted a lot of confidential information about myself to her. I hope that Anna can still use the group as she has been and that it will work out. I rather like having another person to share the driving with. It's such a long drive now. I hope this isn't a strategic error.
I signed my contract for next year. I feel better knowing that I have the certainty of a job. In these uncertain times, that's a very good thing. IT's a great relief. My boss had taken the time to threaten me with non-renewal of contract a few months ago, so having a contract makes me feel a WHOLE lot better. I will get a step raise this year and that will help me out as I adjust to making payments for the condo.
So many are suffering from this war. I pray for peace.