If life is a journey, why does there have to be so very many potholes on the roads we take? Am I just hopelessly neurotic and so anxiety-filled that all I can do is go from one pothole to another? Or does everyone have these potholes one after another, and I'm just a weakling? I have to wonder sometimes if all is chaos, and no one else has noticed, or if the chaos is only around me? I fumble along and fumble along and sometimes I feel like I've got things about organized, and then entropy assaults me from every side. Does that happen to everyone, or am I just a magnet or perhaps even a creator of it?
How do other people KNOW when their choices are good choices? In the middle of change, how does any person wade through their life and know their decisions are "right." Especially when other people's lives are involved. There is almost a stronger urge to make "good" decisions for that other person than for yourself. Yet, there comes a point when the swirl of chaos means a decision HAS to be made. What to do? Where is the "right"? Where is the pathway through all the muddle of feelings, facts and realities?
I feel like I have found a way through some of my concerns. I have been pre-approved for the loan to get the condo. I want it. The ONLY drawback is no covered parking. Just getting to this point seems a miracle. I never dreamed that I could do this on my own. The payments will be staggering and the loan assumes I'll live to be 81. HA! Is this the direction that is "right"? Am I desperately grabbing for something, just anything to get out of "the cave"? Should I wait? Should I move ahead? Is there any way to know that the direction one chooses, is the "right" one?
Betty is "rich" in land and investments, but is facing confusion about how to structure her money for the end of her life and where to live. She has a house picked out. But her loan is much more complex. She may have to let the house go. Should I let the condo go? Is there something better out there? Should I go slower and look through my options more? Should I settle in and just wait for her to expire here, and then move later? Where is a path of clarity? I need clarity. I need some sense of clarity. Does anyone else feel this uncertain for such a long time, and such conflict -- anyone that's "normal"? Or is this kind of hellish uncertainty saved specifically for survivors? Or neurotics? Or maybe just nuts like me? I would like very much to pull back a curtain and see a clear pathway. I don't mind the change, I just need to know that the pathway I take is the "right" way through all the potholes. Unfortunately I want to know that while I'm going down the road. I don't want to look back 10 years from now to see my folly. I don't want time to show that I was stupid or that I hurt others by my decisions. How do you know when you're in the middle of all this stuff? How do you know in the moment? A miracle happens (loan approval) and I can't appreciate it fully because I'm stuck wondering if the pathway is right, if my choices are good, if what I am am doing is right for me and those I care about. I'm emotionally drained and anxious and uncertain and frustrated and excited (actually elated) and just plain mad that with all the care and concern of all involved that I can't figure out the "right" pathway through this confusion.